Pregnancy is almost always a roller-coaster ride, so would-be couples need to know what to expect. Especially those trying to conceive using best IVF Treatment in Bangalore may have questions about the pregnancy symptoms and procedure safety concerns. With several medications involved in the treatment journey, it is quite natural if you find yourself wondering whether IVF and pregnancy symptoms will be any more severe than a natural pregnancy.

The short answer is that IVF pregnancy has similar symptoms to those seen in natural pregnancy. However, not every woman will face these symptoms, and their intensity may vary significantly. Additionally, certain symptoms may be more pronounced in early pregnancy, potentially reducing as pregnancy progresses. Understanding these symptoms is crucial, and patience is necessary as both the mother’s and the baby’s bodies evolve over time.

This guide will explore IVF and pregnancy symptoms from the early stages to the third trimester, providing tips for confidently navigating each phase.

IVF and Pregnancy Symptoms

Experiencing pregnancy symptoms following IVF can evoke both excitement and apprehension for couples undergoing fertility treatments. Safety and quality assurance are paramount in any infertility treatment journey. While each woman’s body responds uniquely, there are several shared symptoms commonly observed during an IVF pregnancy.

Depending on your physical and medical conditions, you may experience certain symptoms unique to your best IVF treatment in bangalore. Here are some of the commonly observed IVF and pregnancy symptoms that most women experience during their gestation period.

Week 1 to Week 4 after the Pregnancy – Getting Started

Following the embryo transfer, the fertilized egg gets implanted along the uterine wall. This makes the first few weeks extremely crucial. During weeks 1 to 4, you may experience symptoms such as mild cramps similar to that of a normal pregnancy. In some cases, women report light spotting or bleeding from the implantation. Though this is pretty early in the cycle, many women often wonder how far they are into the pregnancy. For an IVF procedure, the date of egg retrieval is considered the start of your pregnancy so you can add around two weeks to the embryo age.

Week 5 to Week 8 – Development Stage

Organs and systems develop in the embryo as the pregnancy progresses, and you will start noticing symptoms such as mild nausea, fatigue, and tenderness of the breast. Consider these positive signs that your pregnancy is progressing in line with expectations. Your doctor may ask you to undergo your first ultrasound sometime around the seventh week to check for a healthy heartbeat in the embryo. This further confirms that all is okay!

Week 9 to Week 12 – Completing the First Trimester

The embryo has transformed into a fetus by now, and it receives its essential nutrients from the placenta. During this period, you are likely to experience extreme morning sickness and excessive emotional feelings. You will also be asked to undergo certain prenatal tests to ensure that both mother and baby are healthy.

Week 13 to 16 – The Second Trimester

Early pregnancy symptoms will start subsiding at the start of the second trimester. You will start feeling energetic again, and your baby bump will become more noticeable. If you have not been doing so already, this would be a good time to start a balanced diet and do regular gentle exercises for pregnant women.

Week 17 to Week 20 – The Baby Moves

This is often another milestone stage, as you may feel your baby moving for the first time. The gentle fluttering inside you is a healthy sign that your baby’s growth is progressing as expected. You will likely start experiencing minor abdominal discomfort and backaches. With proper care, these symptoms will be fairly easy to manage.

Week 21 to Week 24 – Preparing For Childbirth

The likelihood of your baby surviving outside the womb grows with every passing day of your pregnancy as the organs continue to develop. You will also notice changes in your body, such as skin changes and weight gain. This is a good time to start planning for parenting and childbirth classes that will help you be better prepared for the rest of the journey.

Week 25 to Week 28 – Entering the Third Trimester

This is the start of the third trimester when you will experience symptoms such as increased pressure on the abdomen and shortness of breath. You must visit your doctor for regular check-ups as your due date approaches. You also need to discuss appropriate birth plans, as this is an important aspect to consider.

Week 29 to Week 32 – The Finish Line Approaches

With your body undergoing even more changes, this is when the Braxton Hicks contractions become apparent, indicating that your body is preparing itself for labor. A general feeling of discomfort and backaches are likely to persist. Focus on following various relaxation techniques to help get some relief from these troubling sensations.

Week 33 to 36 – The Final Frontier

Around this time, the baby will enter the head-down position, preparing to be born. Your belly will swell to its largest, and you may experience greater fatigue. As the baby’s head presses down against your bladder, your bathroom breaks will also become more frequent.

Week 37 to 40 – Time To Welcome the Baby

The due date is not far, and your feelings of anticipation and excitement will be at their peak. The baby will settle down deeper inside the pelvis, making it easier for you to breathe. By now, you should have the birth plan ready and ensure every other necessity is taken care of to provide your little one a grand welcome into this world.

Discuss Your IVF Pregnancy Symptoms With the Best IVF Treatment Centre in Bangalore

Every woman’s IVF pregnancy is unique, so not experiencing certain signs doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. Often, IVF pregnancy presents its own set of unique challenges, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to these. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult a good fertility hospital to prepare yourself emotionally and physically.

Driven by a commitment to deliver top-notch treatment, Janisthaa offers the best IVF treatment in Bangalore. We have effectively helped numerous couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Our affordable services, personalized treatment, and top-notch IVF doctors ensure a safe and nurturing journey into parenthood.

Want to discuss your IVF pregnancy symptoms with Bangalore’s top fertility specialist? Get in touch with us today!