Secondary Infertility

When a couple has already had one child and is trying to conceive again after at least a year of trying, they are said to have secondary infertility. This is a perplexing and perplexing diagnosis. Last time, you had no trouble conceiving.

So, what’s the hold-up?

Infertility can be caused by either the men or the woman, according to Janisthaa, the best infertility clinic in Bangalore. Induced ovulation medicines, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and surgery are all possible treatments.


What is secondary infertility?

Many people believe that primary infertility is more prevalent than secondary infertility. When a couple has never had children and is unable to conceive, this is referred to as primary infertility. However, according to a 2018 review, secondary infertility is the most common type of female infertility. Couples dealing with secondary infertility may be more hesitant to seek help.

How common is secondary infertility?

Both primary and secondary infertility are prevalent. Infertility affects approximately 12.5 percent of couples trying to conceive. Secondary infertility accounts for around 50% of all occurrences of infertility.

What are the causes of secondary infertility in women?

1: Problems with egg quantity or quality: Women are born with a certain number of eggs and are unable to produce more after giving birth. As women reach their forties and beyond, the number of eggs in their ovaries decreases, and the remaining eggs are more likely to have chromosomal issues. Other reasons for a limited number of good quality eggs in women who aren’t concerned about their age include autoimmune or genetic problems, as well as past surgery or radiation.

2: Weight increase or other lifestyle changes: In some people, weight gain can contribute to ovarian dysfunction. Dietary factors may influence fertility. Medications can have an impact on fertility.

3: Problems with the fallopian tubes: Pelvic infections like chlamydia or gonorrhoea can obstruct the fallopian tubes, which transfer eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

4: Affecting the uterus: During a dilation and curettage (D&C) or Caesarean delivery, scarring can form inside the uterus, causing adhesions that can make future pregnancies difficult. Fibroids or polyps are non-cancerous growths that can obstruct pregnancy. Infection and uterine damage can result from a retained placenta.

5: Breastfeeding: If a mother just breastfeeds her infant, her body will stop ovulating or releasing eggs for fertilization.

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What are the causes of secondary infertility in men?

Testosterone levels have dropped: Testosterone is important for sperm production. Age, injury to the urinary or genital organs, and certain medical diseases can all cause testosterone levels to drop. These circumstances include: Infections of the genital area.

Genital infections, Thyroid diseases, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Mumps, Smallpox, Blood diseases.

Poor sperm quality:

Semen is the sperm-carrying fluid. Semen quality tends to deteriorate after the age of 40.

Some medications have an impact on sperm count and quality. Antibiotics and blood pressure medications are among the medications on this list. Treatment for the following disorders can also have an impact on sperm quality.

  1. Prostate cancer.
  2. Enlarged prostate.
  3. Fungal infections.
  4. Stomach acid.
  5. Gout
  6. Urinary tract Infections.

What indicators might you see if you’re having trouble conceiving?

Secondary infertility should be suspected if a man and woman 35 or younger have had unprotected intercourse for at least 12 months (or six months if older than 35). This is especially true for women over 30 with pelvic inflammatory disease, painful periods, irregular menstrual cycles, or miscarriages, as well as men with low sperm counts.


What are treatment options for secondary infertility?

According to Dr. Shwetha of Janisthaa IVF, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) entails daily injections to stimulate the ovaries, a surgical procedure to retrieve eggs, egg fertilisation in a lab to make embryos, embryo growth in the lab, and embryo transfer into the uterus. IVF can make use of egg or sperm donors. A gestational surrogate (a woman unrelated to the child) may be used in IVF to carry the pregnancy to term, though this is not legal in all states or countries. Egg freezing can be done before fertilisation for women who do not have a partner or who want to be fertile in the future.