Nearly 1 out of 7 couples are infertile. It indicates that they are not been capable enough to conceive a child, even though they are experiencing frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse. In such a case, nearly half of the male partners are responsible for infertility or are partially responsible. This article will particularly address the symptoms of infertility in males.

Genetic Causes –

Often it can be seen that while diagnosing infertility in men, genetic abnormalities are common. Although it is a complicated enactment due to the wide range of genes entangled in the exhibition and transportation of healthy sperm. Researchers in the field of infertility are continuously in search to determine additional genetic irregularities responsible for male infertility. While evaluating or testing a man’s semen, analysis reveals deficiencies in sperm count, absence of healthy sperms, or genetic screening is being done for determining a detailed understanding of the genetic cause for male infertility.

Various diagnostic derivatives help us comprehend and resolve the most acceptable conclusion to this issue and which treatment can help solve the problem. Then only, healthy sperm can help the IVF process with ICSI or the use of donor sperm can help achieve pregnancy. Conducting genetic counseling and tests for the male is equally important as it will result in revealing the issues that can ultimately benefit the couple. Apart from genetic disorders responsible for male infertility, it can also lead to a child inheriting profound medical and developmental intricacies from the early stage of birth. A genetically defective embryo created through IVF, doctors should perform needs preimplantation of genetic testing. Such examination of embryos can sort a range of genetic problems causing miscarriage, implantation failure, or defects during birth.

Sperm production problem –

Male infertility is a fitness problem found in a man when they lose the potential of making pregnant his female partner. Nearly 1 out of 7 couples experience infertility. About 13 out of 100 couples fail to get pregnant with unprotected sex due to infertility in men. There are numerous reasons for a men’s infertility. According to research, in over one-third of infertility cases, the pregnancy problem occurs due to men. It is due to problems with his healthy sperm production or due to sperm delivery.

               Adequate fertility requires an increased sperm count in conjunction with good sperm motility of healthy sperm. The problem of reduced sperm count is called oligospermia & deficiency of having healthy sperm quality is called asthenospermia. These two are the predominant reasons for infertility. Let us now take a look at the significant sperm production problems that occurs in male –

  • Genetic problem: There are situations when the chromosomes do not get coded precisely. It can cause an infertility problem. Some common examples are Down’s Syndrome and Klinefelter’s Syndrome. In the case of Down’s Syndrome, the male bears an additional complete or partial replica of chromosome 21. In Klinefelter’s Syndrome, the male birth endures with one Y and two X chromosomes (naturally: one chromosome each happens).
  • Undescended Testes: Another problem that occurs when the testes fail to descend during birth & is due to decreased fertility. Often, the testes of a boy descend by the time he attains 9 months of age. One out of twenty suffers from this condition and the medical term is cryptorchidism. It can also signify a higher risk of testicular cancer or hernia.
  • Various testicle Infection: Often, a male suffers from the testicle or related infections like orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), common infections like HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), gonorrhoea (a sexually commuted bacteria that infects males), etc. All these infections can result in the damaging of testicles. These infections can also be responsible for sperm production or deteriorating the quality of sperm.

Hormonal problem affecting Infertility –

A general human body releases fifty hormones for regulating diverse systems and physical functions. Among them, the most popular are metabolism, growth, and regulating temperature. Several hormones support the control, development, and release of the reproductive cells or egg that helps fertility. Lower testosterone in male hypogonadism and other hormonal issues can possibly be the underlying reasons for infertility in males. Male patients can check the hormonal imbalances by determining a test through a simple blood or urine analysis. Fertility hormones test help give male patients a clear idea of the presence of a variety of hormones specifically required or missing for reproduction. Such tests determine whether there is a lack of any hormone is excess in amount. Such tests can assist fertility specialists and doctors with the possible reasons for infertility, and doctors can provide suitable treatment options for the same.

Psychological factors in Males affecting Infertility –

Various researches suggest that both men & women vary in their psychological reactions when they encounter an infertility situation. Samaira Malik, from the Institute of Work, Health, and Organizations at the University of Nottingham, said that “men are equally influenced by the dissatisfied longing of having a child. But most men are less open about their feelings.” Even the male partner undergoes different battles when they face personal infertility problems. They come under immense anxiety, masculinity, concerning potency, and sexual inadequateness. When the male partner encounters infertility, they generate a sense of self-rejuvenating feelings of competition, feel broken, and might even experience trauma. Some other studies also show that male generates a feeling of psychological pressure due to infertility & have come to various mental problems due to such pressure.

But they might not be aware that such feelings of depression, stress, anxiety, and guilt can become a reason of infertile sperm can cause psychogenic inability to take effective action. It might also elevate the senses of deficiency in mind that can accompany infertility as well. Some research showed that psychological pressure due to infertility can also concern sperm parameters (healthy sperm, the quantity of sperm, etc.) in a significant amount and further contribute to complications with erectile potency. Emotional responses cater to a remarkable role in infertility. So, it is also the responsibility of the female partner to take care of the male partner and provide emotional support during such situations. The male should also visit doctors and specialists to help control such psychological stress.


A hernia is a type of problem in the body when an internal organ pushes through a weak place of your muscle or tissue and makes a bulging part appear out of your body. Hernia can be of several types as per the experience or problem you have such as femoral hernias, inguinal hernias, hiatal hernias, umbilical hernias, etc. If you have a hernia, it is essential to treat it as early as possible. It can also cause pain in different parts of the body.

Pain or swelling in Testicals –

The testicles are a very sensitive part of the male body. Things can go very uncomfortable when they get cause pain or get swollen. The male should not ignore or avoid the swollen or painful testes as they can show or indicate a sign of an urgent & severe illness. It is important to keep noticing or checking your testicles for any lumps or swellings. If you ever encounter such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor even if you are unsure. During an IVF process, males should notice whether their testes are swelled up or painful or not. Most lumps do not represent cancer, but it is essential to check them by doctors.

Lifestyle choice –

Disproportionate or binge drinking or smoking in excess amount can cause different types of problems in breathing, lungs, heart, etc., in males. Intake of any non-prescripted or recreational drugs can also harm the body, especially during an IVF process. One should target to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise almost 4 to 5 days a week. Running, walking, cycling, swimming, playing tennis, dancing, can help your body exercise and get relaxed. It is not only beneficial for your heart, it helps keep your weight down, may help with depression and anxiety, but also improves sleep & helps in taking more energy. Apart from all these, proper nutrients, diet (containing fruits, milk, nuts, grains, cereals, are also a must).