It is encouraged to abstain from getting pregnant while being treated for TB. TB medication influences also the baby, and some of the medicines are not safe during pregnancy. If a woman infertile age who has TB ailment, she needs to talk with her doctor. This will help her to locate a reasonable technique for birth control during TB treatment. The adequacy of contraceptive pills debilitates because of TB medicine and you can’t depend on them as a contraception strategy during the TB treatment

May I get pregnant while I am being treated for TB?

  • You may stress that taking medicine for tuberculosis may hurt your unborn baby. It’s a lot more awful to leave it untreated. TB medicines you take do arrive at your infant. However, they haven’t been appeared to cause hurt in unborn infants.
  • Some TB medications can prompt birth defects or different issues in a developing child. Be that as it may, the doctor won’t recommend those medications in case you’re pregnant or contemplating getting pregnant.
  • The medicine you get will rely upon what sort of TB you have.
  • In the case of Latent TB, you have no indications yet tests show that you have the disease, you’ll likely take a medication called isoniazid. You may need to take it consistently for 9 months, or just two times per week during that time. You’ll need to take nutrient B6 supplements simultaneously.
  • Untreated tuberculosis (TB) ailment speaks to a more prominent risk to a pregnant woman and her fetus than does its treatment. Treatment should be started at whatever point the likelihood of TB is moderate to high.
  • Infants born to women with untreated TB might be of lower birth weight than those born to ladies without TB and, in uncommon conditions, the baby might be brought into the world with TB.
  • Although the medications utilized in the underlying treatment routine for TB cross the placenta, they don’t seem to harmful effect the baby.


Will TB increases the infertility issues in couples?

  • TB (Tuberculosis) is an irresistible infection and indeed TB can cause infertility, however, more often than not it doesn’t show any sort of indications until the disease has progressed to an extreme level and can influence infertility in women just as in men.
  • In women, it causes tuberculosis in the uterus and fallopian tubes whereas in the man it causes tuberculosis of epididymo orchitis, because of which no sperm can get into the semen.
  • TB possibly aim infertility when it taints the genital tract, which is exceptionally difficult to analyze and called as genital TB. Genital TB is answerable for infertility in 5-10% of ladies. The best way to analyze this TB is by refined the tubercle bacillus from the tissue and sent it to the lab for testing.
  • Genital TB is the reason for around 10% of all instances of infertility among ladies in India, and it, for the most part, has no side effects by any means, so it goes undetected for long periods, Regardless of whether a lady conceives, she runs a high risk of premature birth.
  • Early location and standard TB treatment could manage the issue as per specialists. If the diagnosis is late, the harm to the reproductive system could be significantly more serious.


If you are puzzled about how TB would impact your pregnancy, book an appointment with us at Janisthaa IVF Center, Bangalore to get the most ideal and expert treatment by Dr.Shwetha.Y.Baratikkae. Your case can be unique and hence, don’t hesitate to talk to us to clear your doubts and get the right treatment for your case. At Janisthaa, we offer world-class treatment methods with high-quality care to our patients. Walk-in to unlock your doors to parenthood!