Maintenance of body hygiene is one of the most important factors. It is easy to maintain hygiene externally but internal infections can be tricky. One such infection is the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID. PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs, most often contracted through a sexually transmitted bacteria which spreads from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovaries, when untreated can cause complications and result in infertility. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in men is not a known phenomenon but they are potential carriers and transmitters of the bacteria

PID symptoms

PID infection symptoms can be mild and subtle. Most women do not realize the infection until one experiences extreme symptoms such as severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis (bones that connect the trunk and legs) or pain during intercourse. Other symptoms include heavy vaginal discharge than usual with an unpleasant odor, abnormal levels of uterine bleeding, during intercourse or between menstrual cycles, fever with chills or even frequent or difficult painful urination. It is recommended that one visits the doctor as soon as any severe pain in the lower abdomen is seen with a fever, running into high temperatures or foul vaginal discharge and severe vomiting or nausea with the inability to contain anything that has been eaten

PID causes

PID is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria such as bacterias that cause gonorrhea or chlamydia. This means that the transmission occurs due to unprotected sex, from having sex with multiple partners or one partner who in turn has multiple partners. It is also often seen in people with a history of other sexually transmitted infections and younger people who are sexually very active. Douching excessively might also upset the balance between good and bad bacteria in the vagina that might also mask the symptoms


PID Diagnosis

Diagnosis of PID involves examining the pelvic region using a Pelvic Ultrasound to get an insight into the internal organs or through a Laparoscopy. Sometimes, more invasive techniques such as cervical culture are used to check for infections and urine tests to check for signs of blood, cancer or other diseases. An Endometrial Biopsy is also used where a sample of the uterus lining is removed to examine in detail.

PID Effects

Sometimes, infections can go away on their own if mild. However, it has been reported that untreated PID can result in scar tissues and infected fluid/pus to collect in reproductive tracts, which can cause permanent damages to these organs. Some of the effects of PID include Ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy. In this condition, the scar tissues prevent the fertilized eggs from travelling through the fallopian tube to be implanted into the uterus, thereby forcing the implantation to occur in the fallopian tube. The infected pus can also develop in the uterus or in other pelvic organs, which can be life-threatening. At its worst, PID can result in infertility due to excessive damage of the reproductive organs.

PID Treatment

The best way to prevent PID or any other sexually transmitted infection is to practice safe sex and having both yourself and your partner tested to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Men are usually known to be silent carriers of bacteria that can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and infections may resurface unless detected and tested. Home remedies for PID include temporary fixes such as not douching (spray water) excessively. However, a doctor is likely to prescribe antibiotics for PID to tackle the infection, depending on the kind of bacteria causing the infection. For severe cases or in case of pregnancy, hospitalization may be required. Rare cases of surgery are known to be carried out when there was a rupture in the pelvic region


It is always advisable to visit experts in case of any doubts, to prevent the condition from worsening. Doctors at the Janisthaa Fertility Centre, Basaveshwar Nagar are highly skilled, experienced and dedicated to providing the best of service for patients with infertility and other reproductive endocrinology problems. Visit the website for more information or call +91 7619198083 to book an online appointment.

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