What are the Causes of Secondary Infertility?

Secondary Infertility When a couple has already had one child and is trying to conceive again after at least a year of trying, they are said to have secondary infertility. This is a perplexing and perplexing diagnosis. Last time, you had no trouble conceiving. So, what’s the hold-up? Infertility can be caused by either the […]

Overcoming Infertility: Realize Your Dreams of Starting a Family

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive within twelve months of unprotected sex without any birth control. It could also mean that the woman experiences a hard time in carrying her pregnancy to full-term, resulting in repeated miscarriages and stillbirths. Infertility has been a growing problem with modern-day couples, thanks to hectic, stressful, and […]

Why Mental Health is Important During Fertility Journey

Infertility is a stressful experience. Couples undergoing fertility treatment often face additional stress from social stigma and uncomfortable social experiences. Battling health issues on one side is a burden enough. Unfortunately, there is a lot of association between mental health and infertility. And, often women are more affected by it. Consider these stats: Apart from these numbers, […]

How Long is an IVF Treatment Cycle? An Overview

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology gaining widespread attention as a reliable option for starting a family. If you are considering IVF treatment in Bangalore, you probably have many questions swarming in your mind. How long does IVF take? How long is each procedure? How long would we have to wait to see positive results? If […]

Egg Donation Process Explained: What To Expect Before, During, & After

Egg donation is the process where a healthy woman, who has at least one healthy child, and has no diseases like HIV and hepatitis, donates healthy unfertilized eggs for the use of others for assisted pregnancy techniques.Women often donate eggs, which is beneficial for the intended parents when they cannot produce one. The donors receive […]

What Is the Right Sleeping Posture After Embryo Transfer?

Embryo transfer is one of the most crucial steps in the IVF treatment journey. It is where the fertilized embryo is transferred to the mother’s uterus. The uterus is made ready to make implantation happen. The right hormonal conditions are achieved through medication to make the embryo transfer and consequent implantation successful.However, many external conditions […]

Brown Discharge in Early Pregnancy? Is It Normal?

Pregnancy is when you get extra careful about everything that happens in your body. There are many changes, and each one can be as perplexing as the next. One such instance is when there is a brown discharge during early pregnancy. In this blog, we get to the bottom of possible causes of a brown […]

How Does IVF Work in the Case of Infertility?

Infertility is a common issue among couples who are trying to conceive. There are a lot of social stigmas attached to it, making it even harder for them. However, it is not incurable or uncommon, which makes the stigma unreasonable. With awareness of the remedies and the causes, we can disband the unwanted stigma around […]

What are the Causes of Infertility in Men?

Infertility is a growing problem in India, with an estimated 10-14% of couples struggling with infertility. While infertility is often thought of as a women’s issue, it is essential to note that male infertility is a significant contributor to couples being unable to conceive.The Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) reports that approximately 30-40% of […]

Fertility Clinic Success Rates: How to Interpret Them

Fertility clinics often publish success rates as a way of advertising their services and demonstrating their effectiveness in helping patients conceive. But figuring out how to interpret these success percentages can be tricky. We will explore what fertility clinic success rates mean, how they are calculated, and how patients can interpret them. What Are the […]