Ideal Sleeping Positions Post-IUI for Fertility

Ideal Sleeping Positions Post-IUI for Fertility

Finding the right sleeping position after IUI can make a significant difference in the success of your treatment. Resting comfortably and appropriately during this critical time can enhance your chances of conception. Let’s delve into the best sleeping positions after IUI, their benefits, and address some common questions about fertility and sleep. Understanding IUI and […]

What is Sperm Cramps: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

What is Sperm Cramps: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Experiencing pain or discomfort after ejaculation can be both distressing and perplexing. One such condition is sperm cramps. It affects many men but often goes undiscussed. Understanding the causes, recognising the symptoms, and knowing how to prevent this condition can significantly improve quality of life and sexual health. If you’re wondering what is sperm cramps […]

How Follicular Study Can Enhance Your Fertility Journey

How Follicular Study Can Enhance Your Fertility Journey

Curious about how to improve your chances of conceiving? Have you ever wondered how a follicular study could help in this journey? Follicular study acts like a guidebook for your fertility, showing you the most promising times to try for a baby. Our doctors here at best fertility hospital in Bangalore can identify the most […]

Egg Rupture But No Pregnancy Why? Common Causes and Solutions

Egg Rupture But No Pregnancy Why? Common Causes and Solutions

Egg rupture but not conceived? Why does this happen? Trying to conceive can be an exciting yet emotionally charged time. You meticulously track your cycle, analyse ovulation signs, and hope for that positive pregnancy test. But sometimes, despite ovulation (egg rupture), pregnancy doesn’t happen. This can be frustrating and leave you wondering what’s wrong. Understanding […]

Are You Fertile? Key Signs of High Fertility in Women

Are You Fertile? Key Signs of High Fertility in Women

High fertility is when a woman is more likely to conceive during her menstrual cycle. It typically indicates that conditions within the body are conducive to ovulation, fertilisation, and successful implantation of a fertilised egg in the uterus. Several factors contribute to high fertility.

Male Infertility Testing: What to Expect and When to Seek Help

Male Infertility Testing

When it comes to family planning, the journey isn’t always straightforward. For couples facing challenges in conceiving, understanding the nuances of male infertility testing often becomes imperative. If you find yourself in this situation. Seeking guidance from a male infertility specialist near you is the first step towards exploring solutions and finding clarity. Understanding Male […]

Uterine Fibroid – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Some of the most common symptoms that women complain of are incessant pelvic pain, some of which might be sudden pains, heavy, prolonged and painful periods, spotting or bleeding between periods, difficulty in emptying the bladder, lower back pains, pain during intercourse, difficulty in attaining pregnancy and sudden anemia (unexplained low red blood count). These […]

How Does Hepatitis Affect Fertility?

We have all heard of Hepatitis and different types of Hepatitis virus. Hepatitis, a viral infection that causes inflammation of the liver, varies from Hepatitis A to Hepatitis G and is found across the globe. In India alone, 52 million are infected annually out of 400 million around the world. It could be a simple […]

Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)

The Growth of an organism is an interplay of genetics and the environment. When we speak of the environment, it refers not only to the external worldly environment but the environment (i.e., physiology) within the human body of the pregnant mother that is external to the foetus. One such important environment that aids in the […]