How successful is IUI?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment where sperm is put directly into a woman’s uterus. During natural delivery, sperm needs to go from the vagina through the cervix into the uterus, and up to the fallopian tubes. With IUI, sperm is “washed” and focused, and furthermore put directly into the uterus, which puts them closer […]

Pregnancy Diet and Nutrition

Pregnancy diet and nutrition is significant for the health and nourishment of both mother and baby. As per the experts opinion, whoever in the pregnancy should eat a variety of healthy foods and drinks to provide important nutrients for the growth and development of your baby. Key pregnancy nutrition American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists […]

Ovarian Cancer Whispers | Symptoms and Causes

Ovarian cancer is a kind of disease that starts in the ovaries. The female regenerative system contains two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries — each about the size of an almond — produce eggs (ova) just as the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer usually goes undetected until it includes spread […]

Can Sweetened Drinks Consumption Increase Infertility Risk?

Related Article– PREGNANCY DIET AND NUTRITION Related Article– IRREGULAR MENSTRUAL CYCLE OR INFERTILITY? Would you like to clarify more such fertility issues and want to get pregnancy related information? Dr. Shwetha.Y.Baratikkae at Janisthaa IVF Center is one of the expert IVF doctors in Bangalore with many successful cases over 15 years. Get the most accurate and customized advice and […]

Breast Cancer During Pregnancy and How Does Breast Cancer Affect the Body

Is it safe to continue pregnancy if you have breast cancer? Read Similar topics: Body Changes During Pregnancy Can breast cancer affect the baby? Treatment during pregnancy and after the birth Read More : Breast Cancer During Pregnancy And How Does Breast Cancer Affect The Body Surgery Giving Birth during Breast Cancer Breastfeeding if you […]

Can a TB patient conceive?

It is encouraged to abstain from getting pregnant while being treated for TB. TB medication influences also the baby, and some of the medicines are not safe during pregnancy. If a woman infertile age who has TB ailment, she needs to talk with her doctor. This will help her to locate a reasonable technique for birth […]

Endometriosis: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

Endometriosis is a gynaecological problem that can be treated and cured. It is caused usually when the endometrial implants along with the tissues are seen in other parts of the body other than the uterus. When the condition is serious, the tissues get harder and thereby break down and create imbalances in the menstrual cycle balance with […]

Can Birth Control Hurt Your Infertility?

Many hormonal contraceptive decisions have risk, however infertility isn’t one of them. As per various researches, you are as prone to get pregnant if you used birth control in the past as a woman who has never used hormonal contraceptives. One of the researchers took a look at women who had been utilizing anti-conception pills […]

How smoking affects female and male fertility?

People who smoke take more time to get pregnant than non-smokers. Second-hand is nearly as harmful as smoking and women who are presented to Second-hand smoke take more time to consider than women who are most certainly not. The synthetic elements in cigarettes can harm eggs and sperm which influences a future kid’s health. Here […]

Vaginal Itching – Causes and Relief

Itching of the vagina, which in scientific terms is known as Vaginitis, is a common problem and nothing to be shy of or worried. Everyone must have faced some sort of itching or inflammation that results in pain and discharge. It could be due to a slight change in the vaginal bacteria. The normal PH […]